Vendor: Hazard 4Washable rubber patches w/ hook-backing that allows them to be mounted on any fuzzy loop patch area. durable rubber material easy to remove and wash SPECS & DIMS External Size ~3.2" L x 3.2" W x 0.1" D (8.2 x 8.2 x 0.3 cm)...
- HK$90.00
- HK$90.00
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Vendor: MR.X LabelA vividly-detailed pirate skull patch portraying King Bowser Koopa, who was infamously known as Bowser. Details: 100% embroidered patch with hook backing Metallic silver thread used. 4.17" wide by 3.80" tall Limited Edition 150 patches Original Release Date: March 18, 2021
- HK$255.00
- HK$255.00
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Vendor: MR.X LabelA sharp-detailed pair of metallic swords. A cool addition to any pirate skull patch or an excellent patch on its own. Details: 100% embroidered patch with hook backing Metallic silver and metallic gold thread used. 5.10" wide by 3.10" tall Restocked Edition Original Release Date: June 1, 2021...
- HK$180.00
- HK$180.00
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Vendor: MR.X LabelSelf-Portrait by Vincent van Gogh #4 in The Extended Collection Details 100% embroidered patch with hook backing 3.28" wide by 3.93" tall Laser engraved bamboo frame with hook backing 4.58" wide by 5.20" tall Limited Edition 180 patches Original Release Date: November 21, 2019...
- HK$370.00
- HK$370.00
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Vendor: MR.X LabelA Mr. X rendition of Self-Portrait In Rose by Cuno Amiet #14 in The Main Collection Details: 100% embroidered patch with hook backing 3.25" wide by 3.95" tall Laser engraved mahogany-stained walnut frame with hook backing 4.49" wide by 5.19" tall Limited Edition 250...
- HK$360.00
- HK$360.00
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Vendor: Oorah翻玩臂章 / We Win Today 一切責任都在美方 翻玩美國海軍航空假想敵單位臂章「棍棒與石頭」,更新臂章上的戰機並更改標語:「一切責任都在美方」。台灣製作,全繡線立體刺繡,底色也以繡線鋪墊。尺寸與原單位攻伐臂章相同,背後的勾面魔鬼氈可直接配戴於飛行夾克或飛行服上,並另外附上一片黑色毛面魔鬼氈以供 DIY 應用。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準※ 單位團體訂製 、加繡字體等客製服務,50 片以上起訂,請洽詢客服訊息。 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: OorahPCT 太平洋屋脊步道臂章 「當我置身在 PCT 大自然的神聖之中,我才明白這無關挑戰、不是壯遊、更談不上成就,這是段靈魂洗滌、向宇宙和解的自我追尋過程。」 Supply Section 這次設計了 PCT 太平洋屋脊步道紀念章,贊助來自台灣的登山者「老山宅」,紀念這趟義無反顧的旅程,也分享給所有對 PCT 太平洋屋脊步道有憧憬的朋友們。(部分收益資助 PCT 健行者計畫)PCT 太平洋屋脊步道,起於墨西哥,穿越美國後北達加拿大,是一段 2,655 英里的健行步道,途經沙漠、草原、雪地、高山,許多補給困難的路段,沿途需要靠山友之間的互助以及「步道天使」的協助才得以越過,因此人文的元素也是 PCT 的特色與迷人之處。台灣登山者「老山宅」第一次出國,就隻身帶著登山背包和一把二胡,直接闖入 PCT ,迎向 PCT 帶給他的態度矯正和觀念矯正、以及滿滿的收穫。沿途經歷裝備失誤、行程受挫、受傷、甚至是步道夥伴的猝逝消息,由一度面臨放棄,到夥伴間互相扶持最終抵達終點。相信這對任何人都會是趟永生難忘、寫進隔世記憶的深刻旅程。
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Oorah《嘉明湖星空下》臂章 夜裡的天使之淚,如此閃耀 你也曾親臨嘉明湖的美麗嗎?如果我們足夠幸運,能遇見在夜裡映著星光閃耀的嘉明湖,那將是生命中最陶醉的畫面。 高品質刺繡臂章 特別使用具有光澤的緞面刺繡線,山景與湖面會隨著光線角度而表現出不同的明暗光澤,包含星空的底色也使用全繡線表現,是一款台灣製作的精美作品。附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ▲ 附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø95cm刺繡布章:背面已車縫魔鬼氈,並附一片毛面魔鬼氈產地:台灣
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: Oorah《Estrella 冰島極光》臂章 旅行攝影師 Estrella 心星聯名款臂章 畫面呈現在冰島 Sólheimasandur 荒蕪而粗獷的黑沙灘上,一架美軍 DC-3 運輸機飽經風霜的殘骸,躺臥在這片寂靜中,夜空中彷彿緞帶流動般的北極光,構成了這幀經典畫面。此款 Estrella 聯名臂章為 CAPA-2 攝影包的專屬贈品(贈品為車縫版),想單獨擁有臂章的朋友們可以在此頁面購得「魔鬼氈版」。 ▲ 魔鬼氈版:附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: Oorah《勇抱野性、豪不畏懼》臂章 攝影師陳勇豪 CJ PAPA 聯名款臂章 Stay Wild! Stay Child! 陳勇豪是一位將生活哲學完美融入專業工作中的台灣攝影師,他充滿幽默、野性、與溫暖的創作風格,凝結剎那、觸動人心。而在專業領域之外,陳勇豪也透過全家徒步環島等計畫的實踐,傳遞對於生命與教育的想法與呼籲。此款陳勇豪 CJ PAPA 聯名臂章為 CAPA-2 攝影包的專屬贈品(贈品為車縫版),想單獨擁有臂章的朋友們可以在此頁面購得「魔鬼氈版」。 ▲ 魔鬼氈版:附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: Hazard 4Washable rubber patches w/ hook-backing that allows them to be mounted on any fuzzy loop patch area. _ Durable rubber material_ Easy to remove and wash SPECS & DIMS External Size ~3" L x 2" W x 0.1" D (7.5 x 5 x 0.3...
- HK$80.00
- HK$80.00
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Vendor: CarryologyCarryology will choose winners on a quarterly cadence based on quality of the photo, quality of the gear, overall theme, and uniqueness. The Unicorn Hunters Club. A community initiative to help reward sharing, personal improvement and positive vibes. The concept of the unicorn in...
- HK$9,999.00
- HK$9,999.00
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Vendor: Velcro®Take control of computer and electronics cord clutter with easily adjustable, reusable hook & loop ties. This heavy duty ONE-WRAP tie is designed for indoor or outdoor use. Perfect for around the home, work site, and office. Tie conveniently attaches to itself at any...
- HK$69.00
- HK$69.00
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Vendor: Velcro®VELCRO Brand Plant Ties are strong and gentle on plants. They grip onto themselves for a secure hold with no knots or ties. They’re adjustable, reusable, versatile and easy to use. The convenient dispenser and cutter makes the tape even easier to use—just pull,...
- HK$79.00
- HK$79.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchThe DOUBLE STUFFED MORALE PATCH is an easy way to identify and personalize your gear.
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchThe DEAD BIRD MORALE PATCH is an easy way to identify and personalize your gear.
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchCustomize your pack with a MYSTERY RANCH morale patch. Our morale patch offering showcases original MYSTERY RANCH artwork – not found anywhere else. All morale patches are backed with hook Velcro® to attach to the existing loop on your pack. No worries if you...
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchSay Yes to Pizza Patch is an easy way to identify and personalize your gear.
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchThe RANCH RIDER MORALE PATCH is an easy way to identify and personalize your gear.
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Hazard 4Washable rubber patches w/ hook-backing that allows them to be mounted on any fuzzy loop patch area. durable rubber material easy to remove and wash SPECS & DIMS External Size ~3.2" L x 3.2" W x 0.1" D (8.2 x 8.2 x 0.3 cm)...
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
- (-0%)
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